Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting Started

We all have to start somewhere don't we? So here goes, I'm a little bit shy about starting my blog, but its better to be shy and starting than not doing it at all, well that's what i'm telling myself anyway:)
Firstly, please excuse my lack of correct punctuation and grammar, if i was waiting for that to improve this blog would NEVER come into existence!
I have been thinking about writing a book for a little while now and that book would be like a journal of my life for a year or so, we have also been talking about (we being Mr J and I) writing a vegan cookbook. Well I am thinking that if i set it up as a blog, it gets me started writing, i can share my recipes, my franrosie designs and hopefully make some delightful friends in the process, ones that i wouldn't make scribbling away in my journal. I really know little to nothing about blogging so hopefully its not too steep a learning curve. I'm thinking that today i will share some franrosie news and maybe tomorrow i can share a delicious recipe.....

New design for franrosie-
Yesterday in the mail my lovely young ladies received a stunningly beautiful ribbon each from a beautiful, beautiful lady that i met at 'niche market', she posted these to the girls as a surprise gift just because she is so sweet, Thank you Ann. To say thank you i have decided to design a new range with bows on them and post one off to Ann.
All my franrosie bags and wallets are made from recycled leather, now i don't know if recycled is really the correct term to use but by recycled i mean that i am reusing something that would otherwise be used for landfill or something similar. If it's not recycled, it's organic. All my work is made without a pattern and no two items are the same. They are currently stocked in Cocoon in Launceston and should be on etsy but in the past I have been too slack to list them, must rectify this:)


gemma @ loz and dinny said...

I found you! Congratulations on your first post xx

Designers Emporium BLOG said...

these are lovely!

Sophie said...

Your work is delicious - I am such a fan! Can't wait to be in the same area as you at Niche - how exciting!